5' x 3' Norwegian Flag | The National Flag of Norway | Norges Flags
The Norwegian flag is often referred to simply as "Norges Flagg" in Norwegian, which means "The Flag of Norway." It is also commonly called the "Nordic Cross Flag" or just "The Cross Flag" (Korsflagget in Norwegian).
Norwegian Vikings were especially active in the British Isles, including Scotland, Ireland, and England, where they established settlements and conducted raids.
The Viking Age is often said to have begun with the famous raid on the monastery at Lindisfarne in 793 AD, carried out by Norwegian Vikings. This event shocked the Christian world and marked the beginning of widespread Viking raiding across Europe.
Norwegian Vikings played a significant role in the Viking colonization of Ireland. They founded Dublin in 841 AD, which became one of the most important Viking settlements and trade centers in the British Isles.
Norwegian Vikings exerted significant influence in Scotland and the Hebrides during the Viking Age. They raided, settled, and established long-lasting Norse rule over parts of the region. They created the Kingdom of the Isles, which included the Hebrides, Shetland, and Orkney islands, and ruled these areas for several centuries.
One of the most pivotal moments in Norway's Viking history was the rise of Harald Fairhair (Harald Hårfagre), who is traditionally credited with unifying Norway after the Battle of Hafrsfjord in 872 AD. Harald's victory led to the consolidation of power in Norway under one monarch, ending the era of small, independent chieftaincies. The unification of Norway helped form a stronger, centralized state, which would influence Viking activity and expeditions abroad.
Norwegian Vikings also played a central role in the establishment and control of the Kingdom of York (also called Jórvik) in England. Norwegian Vikings settled in northern England after capturing the city of York in 866 AD. Jórvik became a thriving Norse kingdom, attracting trade and cultural exchanges. It was ruled by various Viking leaders, including Norwegian kings like Eric Bloodaxe.
Material: Polyester & 2 brass grommets.
Approx. Size: 5' x 3' (59" x 35") or (90cm x 150cm)
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