Viking FAQ’s

Below are links to short answers for the most commonly asked questions on Vikings. These are direct and simple answers on a complicated subject, so they only serve as a starting point for future exploration. We hope you find them helpful.

Viking FAQ's:

What is a Viking?

Where are Vikings from?

What language did Vikings speak?

What did Vikings look like?

What happened to the Vikings?

What did Vikings eat? 

What did Vikings drink?

When was the Viking Age?

What does the word Viking mean?

When did the Vikings invade England?

What did Vikings wear? 

What countries where Vikings from?

Why are they called Vikings?




About Sons of Vikings

Sons of Vikings is an online store offering hundreds of Viking inspired items, including Viking artifacts, Viking jewelryViking clothing, Viking hair accessories, home decor items and more.

To learn more about Viking history, we recommend our 400+ page, self titled book that is available here.


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